Friday 26 March 2010

March Income

Despite their being three days of March to go, I now consider the month closed at the end of this week.

My dividend income for the month was a respectable £690.69 - well up on February's £371 and my year to date total is +17% which I am very pleased with.

Large payments were received from some of my perennial favourites - Unilever, AstraZeneca, BP and Shell. My bond income continued to trickle on nicely as well from my monthly income funds.

It is only 10 days until I can open both mine and my wife's new ISA's for the 2010/11 tax year - and the cash is ready to go and itching to get working. One ISA will be allocated purely to monthly income bond funds, with payments reinvested. This should build up capital quite quickly. The other will be a share based ISA but I will be going for Investment Trusts in this one - before the disounts to NAV disappears completely!

I have spent the month topping on Imperial Tobacco, Astra, Shell and Aviva. Plans for April include further Shell top ups, Glaxo, First Group and possibly some more Aviva. After that, Reckitt Bencikser is on my horizons.....

Happy dividend hunting until the next update!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Bye Bye Pru!

The news of the Prudential's audacious purchase of AIG's Asian assets for $35 billion prompted my first sale for many weeks yesterday.

Faced with a falling share price, uncertainty over whether the price being paid is too high and a huge, potentially highly dilutive rights issue on the way I decided to sell my entire holding. I sold at a 1% capital loss which I'm more than comfortable with having picked up two dividends in 2009, having made my first investment in the company in January of that year.

This has freed up much more cash than I thought I would have available this week. Later this week I expect to open a position in a new company - Reckitt Benckiser. I have been watching the shares in this company for a long while, and although it's current dividend yield of approx 3.2% is a little below my usual entry point (3.5%), shareholder returns over the last ten years from this company make my mouth water!

It comes second in the FTSE 100 only to British American Tobacco (coincidentally my largest single holding) and I fully expect it to consider it's strong run in the future. This is despite doubts over the impact on the company of facing generic competion for it's currently patented herion subsitute drug. If it ends up my second largest holding over time with results to match I will not complain! The dividend should also grow fast so I expect to be on a yield v cost in excess of 4% in a couple of years.

The remaining cash balance will be used to top up three favourite holdings of mine, Aviva, Shell and Glaxo.

The other company I am considering opening a position in is Greggs. This is another strong company in terms of historical shareholder returns. However, I have decided against opening two new positions at the same time. I will continue adding to my new position in Reckitt and topping up other existing holdings in the short term.